I also picked up the cigarette lighter adapter. The DC output cord is a 2-wire, insulated cable assembly with a black, molded, 2 pin quick-disconnect plug on the end. ALTERNATING RED & GREEN LIGHTS FLASHING (PLUS) This is abnormal and most likely indicates either that the battery is sulfated or that there is a poor electrical connection between the charger DC output and the battery posts. CAREFULLY READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE BATTERY CHARGER. The Battery Tender® Junior charger will automatically monitor and maintain the battery at full charge. So I attached the Battery Tender. The Battery Tender Junior features LED systems that dispel solid-state colors. 3 Poor electrical contact. Red light keeps flashing. When the battery is fully charged, the battery level status Green LED indicator will turn solid green and the charger will switch to a storage/float maintenance charge mode. No Indicator lights are lit. �����#At�G�A����C��ھW��">D��s��[�F���,҇�n�h���������Pt�a�!�ӊ�ӓ@}��8=��sYYit�pp��+�CSg�B�s[!t��� i�4�����%Ҿ�x;��ö+,���I�sqq���K�� U�}&�����_E4t�c�}*�x�����nd��jzsu���K��C4�M��Fϊ%~DTkS�_fk�mּ����ꦂɺ|2g �n��-.���$�0/�g��t�� >y�b�? That plug connects to a number of DC output cable accessories. Leave the charger on for 24 hours, then connect the tender. According to the documentation from the company site "GREEN LIGHT FLASHING (1.25A only) - When the green light is flashing, and the red light is on, the battery is greater than 80% charged and may be removed from the charger and used if necessary. Have battery load tested. BATTERY TENDER® JUNIOR Single Voltage Output Battery Chargers 3.3 in (85 mm) L x 2.3 in (59 mm) W x 1.9 in (48 mm) H Charger Output Voltage Amplitudes throughout the entire charge algorithm, including absorption and float maintenance, are consistent with the optimum charging recommendations of the major lead-acid battery manufacturers. v'�QvZa�!$��q~Q'>�à�}�c�xe��]:�U�w���P;ޥ�~Qeiޣ��?�v�!ہ�l�y"���JC4�ԣ��1�/��#����_�����ԋ�uD���iea{H ��]��xPƫ?B�u:�?�a�Q(�]�gR�� GREEN LIGHT FLASHING (1.25A only) - When the green light is flashing, and the red light is on, the battery is greater than 80% charged and may be removed from the charger and used if necessary. 197 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<4645EE6330D6C9418898FB159C18B4BA><37447FF125E5B3489F5F88C548DAF263>]/Index[176 39]/Info 175 0 R/Length 99/Prev 297225/Root 177 0 R/Size 215/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Dual Port USB Car Charger. Below describe the indicator lights and what they mean. BT Junior: 750 mA 12V Battery Tender® Junior Smart Battery Charger. h�mo�8���?nu��0 �"�I�F�n�����M�)'������ȵ�(�N��c�3�8b��8f����)���L��*�)l=�E��LK�����f� �L�1�D�� �?dJ��0��R�7�+ n}��< w_��q��U�KWojMA � rD�Y9��@���Ks�4i�#�I�Zʹ,��m�8t>��ZYS�V�(D+��ur_���4~?��yi�l�n��6�%�~���Y�f[ ��@��~+{ �샬���h�g��eZ�5�����bm^���}�����2��XBw��G���[&yr��&�L�.����~�x�����^�+S4,�%���m���'�jΕ�|��������|Y�A��=�}�" I(�$�4�f��y�55�f�a�6-�H�-�NPP�}r~Y���9铦2��+�m�Sף�(�Ϛ4�V�&7L�1ۿ�Am���r�횲��ۙ��G���F���~U��uVl�cV\u��O��n��i7���5��Ǔ�O 4�~��|���z��� Repairing a Battery Tender Jr. with a new capacitor. Battery Tender $9.99. Check the connections at the battery posts. RED LIGHT ON STEADY (Both models) Whenever the red light is on steady, a battery is connected properly and the charger is charging the battery. The red light will remain on until the charger completes the charging stage. WHEN NEITHER THE RED OR GREEN LIGHT TURN ON (Both models) This is an abnormal condition and most likely indicates that the charger is not properly connected to the AC power. Lighting & Ceiling Fans. 2 Battery may be defective. h�bbd``b`6�@���`�;$�XA�QR2$1�\m@B.$�",@� �@bH �R !�����`����J�FϏ � M Battery Tender JR clips or rings are not hooked to the battery correctly. The Battery Tender® Junior charger plugs directly into a residential AC receptacle. Capable of managing battery health all on its own, this charger and maintainer is equipped with reversed hook-up protection that checks for a correct connection before providing … History Mustered in: October 1, 1861 Mustered out: June 23,1865. So I attached the trickle charger to the battery terminals and charged to battery. The trickled charger with a brain will assure batteries are maintained after charging and allows ready to go! Outstanding! Disconnect your Battery Tender, then make a solution in a spray bottle of 1 tbsp of baking soda in a cup of water to clean the electrical contacts of your Battery Tender. After I plug in the battery tender to the lighter socket in the rear, then the wall, the amber light has a flashing pattern I … Disconnect the charger from the battery and check the battery voltage with a voltmeter. Put my Battery Tender Jr on it for 14 hours, and it was still quite dead. Green light turns on quickly at the beginning of the charge cycle. When the light is flashing green, your battery is at least 80% charged and a solid green light informs you that your battery is maintaining an optimal charge. 1 Battery is already fully charged. SAFE AND SECURE Connect and forget with the Battery Tender® Junior! endstream endobj 177 0 obj <> endobj 178 0 obj <> endobj 179 0 obj <>stream 0 Battery Tender 021-0123 Junior 12 volt .75 amp Battery Charger, Battery Chargers/Maintainers/Conditioners, Bigfoot Hydraulic Tongue Jacks & Leveling Systems. 176 0 obj <> endobj 14 product ratings - Deltran 12 Volt 750mA Battery Tender JR Maintainer Motorcycle Charger 021-0123 Albany, NY: J.B. Lyon Company, 1902. GREEN LIGHT ON STEADY (Both models) - When the green light stops flashing and burns steady, the charge is complete and the battery can be returned to service if necessary. Below describe the indicator lights and what they mean. ATTENTION: The Battery Tender® Junior CHARGER HAS A SPARK FREE CIRCUITRY. It also has a spark-proof design. CAREFULLY READ THESE unless the battery voltage matches the output voltage rating of the charger. 1st Artillery Regiment (Light) Battery I Civil War Wiedrich's Battery. Deltran is well-known for building excellent motorcycle Battery Tenders for a range of battery performance needs: Original Battery Tender, Battery Tender Plus and Battery Tender Jr. If the red light continues to flash, then either the battery voltage is too low (less than 3 volts) or the output alligator clips or accessory ring terminals are not connected correctly. A steady green light indicates that the battery has completed a full charge and that the Battery Tender Jr. has entered a battery maintenance mode. Get all the latest information on sales, new products, and partnerships. I showed a flashing red light, apparently the battery was not charging. It battery voltage is at least 12.7 Volts, then it is fully charged. C-011011 Page P/N VDC121PlusSeriesMNL BatteryMINDer Plus Models 12106 / 12106A8V / 12117 / 12118 i) NEVER charge a frozen battery or a battery at a temperature above 123° F. 12. Follow this Question. %%EOF Sign up for the Deltran newsletter today. ��a��w6�Z��.��ƺ_��uH��5�bFtyQL�PF]����l=�x�B8�b�`��7�Ő\� Does the blinking red light change colors or flash different when in different stages of charging? I hooked the battery up to a Batter Tender and the Tender displays a flashing red light. �B���_�迃ct 214 0 obj <>stream Other features of this battery charger include its complete 4-step charging program, 12-foot output cord, and five-year warranty. The Battery Tender Jr keeps the battery fully charged. The bike started fine one day, but the next day not at all. Battery Tender Junior, 12 Volt Battery Tender Junior's lightweight, compact size makes it ideal for those hard-to-fit spots. ... and the bike went dead. The Battery Tender Junior 12v charger has a single light that will shine either red or green. Whenever possible, leave the battery on charge until the green light is solid". Page 2: Personal Precautions (Absorbed Glass Mat) type construction. RED LIGHT FLASHING (All models except 6V Junior) The red light flashing indicates that the battery charger has AC power available and that the microprocessor is functioning properly. Green Light Flashing – With the green light flashing and red light ‘on’, it means that the battery is more than 80% charged and is ready to use. Super easy to connect/disconnect, leave it on for months, automatically stops charging when not needed. I have 5 Deltran Battery Tender Jrs. The Battery Tender®Junior will fully charge a battery and maintain it at the proper storage voltage without the damaging effects caused by most trickle chargers (especially sulfation). Ceiling Fans; Ceiling Lights; Commercial Lighting; Lamps & Shades; Light Bulbs; Lighting Accessories; Night Lights; Outdoor Lighting; Under Cabinet Lights; Wall Fixtures; ... 12V Battery Tender Jr. Deltran 12-Volt Battery Tender Jr.-021-0123 - The Home Depot You will need to clean the Battery Tender if you see the red LED flashing, or if the red and green LEDs take turns flashing on and off. important safety and operating instructions for BATTERY TENDER® CHARGERS, both the 12 & 6 Volt 750 Milliamp BT JUNIOR and 12, 6, & 8 Volt 1.25 Amp BT PLUS models. Red Light on Steady –This indicates that the charger is properly charging the battery. I use a 1 amp charger, which should be just about right for the Enfield battery. Whether you just need one more alligator set, or you need a customer cable, or a specific connector, there are a myriad of options here for you to choose from. There is no ON / OFF switch on the charger. If the connections look good but the LED still FLASHES RED, try reversing the polarity of the output cable assembly. BATTERY TENDER® CAUTION CHARGERS, both the 12 & 6 Volt 750 Milliamp BT JUNIOR and 12, 6, CHARGER VOLTAGE COMPATIBILITY: NEVER use a battery charger & 8 Volt 1.25 Amp BT PLUS models. Buy Battery Tender Junior Charger and Maintainer: Automatic 12V Powersports Battery Charger and Maintainer for Motorcycle, ATVs, and More - Smart 12 Volt, 750mA Battery Float Chargers - 021-0123: Battery Chargers - Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases �?t��X���U�ۅ��"��r�q�vS�)�+��tI_��}z���o���R�EF>����s���` ��w Do you have the same question? No lights, no indicator lights, nothing. endstream endobj 180 0 obj <>stream from vehicle), then reattach Battery Tender JR. There no AC power cord. Step 1. Rev. Shop Battery Tender 0.75-Amp 12-Volt Car Battery Charger in the Car Battery Chargers department at Lowe's.com. WARNING AND CAUTION LABEL DEFINITIONS: WARNING WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if endstream endobj startxref Drive a ZL1 Camaro with winter only tires so the car is kept in the garage for several months due to the cold New England weather. The following is taken from Final Report on the Battlefield of Gettysburg (New York at Gettysburg) by the New York Monuments Commission for the Battlefields of Gettysburg and Chattanooga. The Battery Tender® charger will automatically monitor and maintain the battery at full charge. They all stay green. The battery on my 06 Bonneville seems to have died. H��T[o�0}���xH���;FӤ6��¶�������F�K�$��_��dEh^��8�w��9��y�����. I followed the instructions from Thomas Burdsall's video. This compact and easy to use smart charger will automatically fully If the light is not green, there is either a problem with the battery or the tender. Disconnect the Battery Tender Jr. from the electrical outlet once the battery has a full charge. 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